Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018

Education in Barbados

Knowing Education from another Country

Everyone has known who Rihanna is. The one of beautiful singer female in America. But, do you know where is she come from? She is from Barbados. Barbados is an island country which located in Caribbean sea and Atlantic Ocean. Talking about Rihanna, the newest information is she becomes an ambassador for Barbados. She asked to acquaint about education, culture and tourism of Barbados.

Have you ever heard about education in Barbados? Are education in Barbados systems better than Indonesian? In this moment, i would like to tell you about education in Barbados. I don’t aim to compare Barbados with Indonesian. I just want to share a little bit information of education from the other country.
source: abovebarbados.com

When proverty pervaded throughout Barbados, only rich family who can send their children to school. Also, only boys benefited from the school. In 20th century that allowed both boys and girls to be on a par with each other academically. According to the Ministry of education in Barbados, in the 2013-2014 year, the government invested almost $500 million into improving schools to provide a safe  and academically challenging environment for children that will cultivate their growth into becoming productive members of society. Here are some ways that Barbados improving its education system:
1. Education in Barbados uses the child-centered approach and doesn’t let course work dictate  teacher’s pace in the classroom.
2. The ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation overseas education by providing teachers with lesson plans, feedback and workshops to develop their classroom techniques.
3. There educational system in Barbados can be easily broken down into a four-tiered system as  follows:
1)      Nursery level, ages three through five years old
2)      Primary level, ages five throgh eleven years old
3)      Secondary level, ages eleven trough sixteen years old
4)      Tertiary level, caters primarily to post-secondary students with no age limit
4.The school year in Barbados comprises of three schools terms and they are as follows:
1)      1st term, starts the 2nd week of September and end mid-Desember
2)      2nd term, starts the 2nd week of January and end in the 1st week of April
3)      3rd term, starts the end of April and ends the 1st week of July
5. Parents, doctors and principals can recommend assistance for students with disabilities. Special education services are provided in eight public schools for students with disabilities, including those who are hearing or visually impaired.
6. Schools in Barbados follow the outcomes-based learning approach, which provides national standards and education targets for schools and parents.

7. The ministry of Education has a department specifically designated for designing, analyzing and reforming examination standards. They work closely with school faculty to assure fair and proper testing in schools.
As a result of the heavy investments made by previous governments and the current administration, Barbados boasts a literacy rate of approximately 98%.

    So, how about education in Indonesia? Nowadays, Indonesia is using Curriculum 2013, which the system gives prority to students skill. This curriculum let students to improve their cognitive and soft skill. Although, Curriculum 2013 still has obstacles, because not all schools in Indonesia provide facility for this curriculum. But i know the government is trying to make our education to be more better. Whatever the system for our education, i wish Indonesia students can follow every rules in school that make them to be responsibly person.


sources: -barbadospocketguide.com

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2018

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus “Empathy and Aggression: the role of testosteron”

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
“Empathy and Aggression: the role of testosteron”

pict from: FightMedioCrity
As women we still don’t understand why men have a low of empathy. Women also can’t understand what men think when women in a bother situation. Like my experience, one day I brought many equipments in my hands. I used my both hands for it. It was pretty heavy. In that moment, there were my two boy friends, actually they were conscious that I bought the equipments in plastic bag, but they were ignored me. They didn’t said “ can I help you to bring this?”. No, they didn’t at all. I was so mad and i want to kicked their buttock away ( but I can’t by the way).

gif from: Tenor

Moreover, have you seen men when they fall in love? How the way men to get closer with someone that they like? I think women can read men’s “movement” to explain their feeling. Yeah that’s right, men are also aggressive when they in love with someone. So, what the difference from both empathy and aggression from men and women. Let’s check this out, everyone..

Women show their emotions more than men and are more facially expressive for both positive and negative feelings. Emotional is the ability to share other’s feelings, to take a positive interest in them and to decode non-verbal emotional cues. Simon Baron Cohen’s theory is that the female brain is predominantly hard-wired for empathy, while the  male brain is predominantly hard-wired for systemising, that is, for understanding and building systems.

A major difference between the emotions of men and women lies in the expression of aggression, for which men enjoy a pronounced physical advantage. It has an evolutionary origin related to hunting and protection. This matters, as men have discriminated against women and dominated them in all societies from the earliest known times. Women can be aggressive but their aggression tends to be less physical. But girls and women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which increases testosteron in the womb, are more like males, with an increase in phsyical aggression.

That’s all is explanation for both empathy and aggression. I hope after you read my blog you will a little bit understand about the difference between men and women to your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend and also your family. This why God created a difference gender for human, in order to equipped each other as man and woman.

gif from: Tenor

source: www.telegraph.co.uk

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