Selasa, 30 April 2019

The Comparison of Both Journals with the Same Topic

Every journal that we read have coincidentally similarity and also have differences. So, in this week I want to share you about both journals “Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in Eldoret Municapality, Kenya”  (first journal) and “Psychologycal Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance for the English Learners in English” (second journal). I think it’s so interesting when I can compare both journals that I have read entirely, because in journal we found the differences that make me know more about knowledge, such as the methods or the procedures that the researchers use for his or her works.

I’m going to begin with the similiarities of both journals. “Psychologycal Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance for the English Learners in English” and “Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in Eldoret Municapality, Kenya” is have similar factors that make student who learn English is not able to speak English, because the student embarrased when they speak in front of their friends and have no confident, also they afraid if they make mistake in speaking. In addition, I think this is main problem that make student not join in speaking, that is lack of vocabulary, the student often confuse when they hard to find out English vocabulary, so part of them are used to switch-code to their native language when speak English.

Also I have differences among both of journals, that is the method that used of each journal. 
First journal, “Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in Eldoret Municapality, Kenya”:
  1.  The researcher is using two data collection instruments namely: questionnaire and observation schedule. Based on questionnaire from teacher and student and calsroom observations, the activities by teacher of English language in their lesson included dramatization, impromptu speeches, story-telling, role play, dialogue, oral narratives, poems recitation, songs and tongue twister. Also the teacher use those methods based on classroom situation.
  2. The prticipants that involved in observation for first journal is secondary school students. A total of eight out of twenty three secondary schools, constituting about 30% in Municipality were selected. And select 30% from three student per school.
  3. Observed to three district, namely Eldoret East, Wareng and Uasin Gishu West, Uasin Gishu County Kenya.
Second journal, “Psychologycal Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance for the English Learners in English”:
  1. Using various traditional methods in data collection procedure like personal fied notes, audio tape recording, diaries, recording, questionnaires, documentary evidence, slide, tape, photography
  2.  The participants were 20 students in Applied Linguistic field at the Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University.

I think that’s all the similarity and differences of both journals that I have read. The more we read to different journal the more knowledge that we will get for ourself.

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The Comparison of Both Journals with the Same Topic

Every journal that we read have coincidentally similarity and also have differences. So, in this week I want to share you about both journ...