Jumat, 28 September 2018

Naming Traditions

    Married with person who different culture might will make a bit difficult for some reason. Probably, problem about a habbit, different opinion or even about clan's name. Why it can happen? Yeah.. in this moment i will tell about add, change, or not change at all in clan’s name after married. Are you curious? Seriously? Okay here we go..
      In every country, city, even region have a clan’s name as their identity from where he/ she come. You can see the article about Naming Traditions below.
In paragraph 1 and 2 are explained about misunderstanding between President Bill Clinton (United State) and President Kim Young Sam’ wife (South Korea). It’s because President Clinton called President Young Sam’s wife as Mr. Kim and make Korean officials were offended about this. Actually name of President's wife is Sohn Myon Suk, it should be Mrs. Sohn. President Clinton didn’t know about Korean culture. Also this was embarrassed for U.S delegation.
         This case tells us about about clan's name, after woman married with man who has different clan shouldn't use husband's clan. For the first time when i like about Korean Culture is "Why a wife doesn't use husband's clan? In reality they have became a couple". Why don't Mrs. Sohn change as Mrs. Kim? The answer is because in Korean, when woman married with man, the woman shouldn't use husband's clan. It also would being bother if woman should change clan name. The woman should use their father's clan, as a given name they should use it untill they passed away. The father's clan is like their identity. It means Mrs. Sohn is from Sohn clan, and it can't change become Mrs. Kim. Although a Korean people married with foreign, their clan can not to change.

Don't judge me guys, i made it as full of my heart:")
        For example, it just EXAMPLE everyone, if i married with Korean man, his name is Park Bo Geum and my name is Handhini Dewi Mustikah and after married i can't put my husband's clan as Park Handhini or Mrs. Park. It because Korean people wouldn't give clan to their couple. But, my husband, Park Bo Geum can give his clan to our children in order to tell everyone, the children are from Park clan.

     That is a little bit information from me, i'm so sorry if there so many mistake about the information. Thank you for visiting my blog, i hope every text that i write is useful for you who read my blog :)

Rabu, 19 September 2018

Be Grateful or Regret with Your Name?

   Do you ever feel so annoyed or do not like your name for a reason? I think you're not alone, because i've experienced it too. As you know my name is Handhini Dewi Mustikah. That name was created by my parents. When i was in elementary school i didn't really like my name, because i thought it's too girly whereas i was soo tomboy in that moment. In addition, i didn't like about the spelling of my name, in generally the parents make their name children as 'Andini' but why my parents made it as 'Handhini'. In my name there additional words are [H]And[H]ini it's too long, right? I should correct my name every my friends write my name in wrong spelling. Furthermore, there are some of my friends that call my nickname as "Dhin" i was so annoying it's like i have name as "Udin", pffftt..
   I tried to ask my father "why dad give a name as Handhini not Andini?" my father said "we should different from the other". "And what is the meaning from Handhini Dewi Mustikah?" "Handhini is from Handayani it means useful, Dewi is because i'm a second daughter and Mustikah is a diamond stone, strong like diamond stone, so Handhini Dewi Mustikah is a strong and useful daughter.
   Since my father explained about my name i'm so grateful because the meaning of my name is sooo meaningful. I won't ever to change my name because my parents have made it by their heart and there a hope in my name. Whatever your name, just be grateful with it. Our parents always give the best thing for us as a child, don't ever regret with your name because the parents never put the wrong thing in our name.
   Talking about a name i have name for my children in the future. For the female i will give "Yuna", why? I think for the first when people hear name Yuna, it'll be a good person with a beauty heart. I really love it, and Yuna is from Africa, the meaning is nice looked. I also have a name for the male that is Dhananjaya. It is from Java, the meaning is knight and gentle. Is it good combination, right? I wish my children have a kind of heart but also be brave.
   I'm so sad because i have no childhood picture, i asked my father about it and he never took a pict of me😢

The Comparison of Both Journals with the Same Topic

Every journal that we read have coincidentally similarity and also have differences. So, in this week I want to share you about both journ...