Kamis, 14 Maret 2019

What are the speaking activities that the most of teachers used?

Following the previous topic that I’ve explained about the three districts that being observed for speaking learning for some reasons. Namely, Eldoret East, Wareng, and Uasin Gishu West, Uasin Gishu Coutry, Kenya. So now I’m gonna explaine you about the methodology used for this journal. In this journal also gives the result from the observation. I hope it will help you to choose what thebest learning activities in class to make students participate in communicative of English skill

This journal only took the sample from the Provincial and District secondary school in Kenya and the total is eight of twenty three secondary school it’s about 30% of sampled. The observation used two forms, that is questionare and observation schedule. The data was analyzed using SPSS computer package. SPSS computer package is software used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis.

The result based questionare is teachers used learning activities such as dramatization, discussion, debating, impromtu speeches, story-telling, role play, dialogue, oral narratives, poems recitation, song and tongue twister.

Teacher respons
The discussion used by 92,9% of teachers, dramatization 85,7%, songs 78,6%, impromtu speeches and tongue twister each 71,4%, short story and role player 64,3%, poem recitation and debating 57,1%, and oral drills 42,9%.
Student respons
Students give big respons for discussion 88,9%, story-telling 82,7%, poem recitation 82,9%, dramatization 69,4%, debating 67,1%, songs 56,7%, togue twister 58,3%, role play 53,6%, impromptu speeches 37,3%, and oral drills 35,3%.
Observed lessons
As we can see that the major activity was discussion. Although, observed lesson tell that teachers across the school categories used discussion activities included class discussion, group discussion, and pair discussion. Whereas, the students used to code switched to Kiswahili, Sheng in their group discussion.

Teachers tried to integrate the learning activities in class in order to make students mastered the listening, reading, speaking, and writing skill. It’s such good idea that teachers integrate the activities in a single lesson, but most teachers still lack of ficilitate or  don’t even give opportunity to improve students’ speaking skill.

Kamis, 07 Maret 2019

The good classroom activities based on the key player of the field

The previous blog I mentioned about what the contents of journal are, also I told you about its introduction. So now we stride about the theory of the journal. Every journal has background why the researcher do some research for their works. It because they need to support the theory that they have about their study. The researchers not only give their own statement in order that the readers will trust to their research, but also they collect the statements (the result of obseravtion) of researchers from different country or even around the world.

In this journal, the reasearcher used three different districts for their observation, these districts are Eldoret East, Wareng, and Uasin Gishu West, Uasin Gishu Coutry, Kenya. The districts chosen because they have problem of low communicative competence of Form four graduates like other parts of Kenya. This study based on the research of Orodho and Kombo in 2002. The researcher used method for learning speaking in class, it’s included the observation for class activities when teacher taught the students to developed their communicative in speaking English. There are various class activities for the teachers, such as dramatization, discussion, debating, impromptu, story-telling, role play, dialogue, oral naratives, peoms recitation, songs and tongue twister. The teacher use different activities depending on the situation also combined the class activities in order to make students be participated in speaking class.

There are the difference of classroom activities in all school categories:
1.      National school were able to integrate several classroom activities within a lesoon for instance dialogues, discussion, impromptu speeches and role play.
2.      Provincial school teachres used question and answer sessions, whole class discussion and group discussions.
3.      District school category, whole class discussion and story-telling were the mostly used classroom and activities.

Take a look to all of those activities, the major activity that teach by the teachers is group discussion, whereas the students will be a passive learner and they sub-consciously use their native language when discuss with the peer. It because the students are lack of vocabulary (Al-Hosin, 2014). Furthermore, teachers are don’t have fun activities for learning speaking in class. It’s the thing that teachers should remember, even they learn something quite hard the students still need variuos activities to facilitate them in learning. Oral drills help students to improve by practicing and the result is their skills in speech will be perfect (Broughtton etal, 1980, Kochhar; 1992; Ayot, 1984; Oketch, 2005).  

Are those activities will be effective for the students? Will the speaking skill of students be developing from those activities? The explanation of the journal will keep on in the next week. Make sure you will often visit to my blog. See ya!  

The Comparison of Both Journals with the Same Topic

Every journal that we read have coincidentally similarity and also have differences. So, in this week I want to share you about both journ...