Hello everyone it’s
been a while no see my works on my personal blog, right? In this semester we
learn about ‘Critical Reading’, which we read to kind of educational, that is
English learning. How it will be going? First step that we should do is searching
to international journal of English
learning. In this step you should search the journal as your interest, such as
listening, reading, writing, speaking, etc. Because I really interest in
Speaking learning, so I’m looking for about the strategy of speaking English.
The reason I really like to speaking subject is because I think speaking is
important for us when we learn English.
It will be pointless if we got high scores in written examinations but have no
brave to speak up in English. And I found out ‘Teaching Speaking Skills in
English Language using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in
Eldoret Municipality, Kenya” So, what are discussions in this journal? Here you
can read below :
: speaking skills, clasroom activities, English, language, motivation, teacher,
1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Results
3.1 Teachers’
3.2 Students’
3.3 Observed
4. Discussion
4.1 Variation
on use of Classroom Activities
4.2 Motivation
4.3 Teacher’s
4.4 Learner’s
5. Conclusion
5.1 Recommendation
6. References
In Kenya English is taught as a second
language, which is English used in all government communications, compulsory
subject in educational system. Although colonialist has been used English for
linguistic imperialism in Kenya, but it still find different way in the use of
English, such as Kenya Educational system, official language used in office,
media houses, courts, diplomacy, used to do all government business and an
international language (Chesang, 2005).
Moreover, learners in Kenya have trouble
in using English, even they smart to answer all English questions, but they
always get difficulties how to speak English properly. They have no brave to
speak up in English, also they accustomed to change their English to use Sheng, Kishwahili when they do group
discussion. According to Alharbi (2015) there are several factors that
influence learning of speaking skill for example use of mother tongue outside
and inside classroom environment, low status of English in a country, learners’
negative attitude towards English language, use of mother tongue by teachers to
explain difficult concept, use of teacher-centered methodology and passiveness
of learners, in classroom.
Curriculum also influence succesful of
the use English. In Kenya use 8-4-4 which this gives bad impact for learners
because they should learn English in short time due to large number of students
in class, students low knowledge and cultural related factors. And the teachers
also use traditional teaching approaches, becuase the teachers don’t have time to make good syllabus. This is
definitely have bad feedback for the learners in English learning, such as the
learners feel embarassing in front of their friends because they do some
mistakes in speaking English.
There are revised syllabus of teaching
of English Speaking in secondary schools in Kenya that released by KIE in 2002
: (i) attentive listening for comprehension, correct inference, interpretation
and appropriate response from spoken discourse from spoken discourse, (ii)
fluency and confidence in speaking in a variety of contexts, (iii) effective
use of non-verbal cues while speaking, (iv) capacity to read, analyze and
appreciate literary works, (v) capacity to use a variety of sentence structures
and vocabularies correctly, (vi) think creatively and critically and (vii)
communicate appropriately in functional and creative writing. Wished to the
teachers can implemented the syllabus in order that learners have improvement
in English speaking skill and more communicative by secondary school students.
The researcher said that there are some
ways to improve students to participate in the classroom of English speaking, these activities are group discussion,
speeches storytelling, drama, debates, poem recitation, songs, and
tongue-twisters (Johnson, 2006,Villegas and Lukas, 2002, Gathumbi and Masembe,
2005,Okech, 2005). These activities will make students feel comfortable, they
think it’s okay if they make mistake because they do the activities with their
friends, it also advance students confident to speaking English properly.
We just ended up to the introduction of
the journal, next week i’ll share about the other discussions. If you curious
about it, you can visit my blog. Don’t forget to read whole my works and give
some comment, such as critics and motivational comments. Your support really
help me to improve the blog.
Here’s the link of the journal : https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1086371
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