Jumat, 12 April 2019

Psychology Factor Affecting the Student Speaking of English


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In this century, English takes a place as an important language that used people around the world. More than that, English is not only a language that being used for communicate, but also English gives an opportunity to society to expand their skill in order that  they have a chance to get a better job, also people use English for many aims. Thus, English is an international language that used by all of human on the earth include non-native speaker. Beside that, most the country in the world consider English as compulsory subject of their educational system include Indonesia.

According to Kachru’s model of World Englishes, there are three Concentric Circle of the language. The first is the Inner Circle, that is countries that used English as their first language, such as United State, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand. The second is the Outer Circle, that is English institutionalized, such as India, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Singapura, Malaysia. The last is the Expanding Circle, that these countries are the rest of the world’s population, such as European, Mali, China, Egypt, Russia, Japan, Korea, and Indonesia.

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In Indonesia, English is regarded as a primary foreign language eventhough Indonesia include to the Expanding Circle of of Kachru’s model of World Englishes, but English being taught in school of in this country also English more importance rather than the other languages  that exist in the world. English to be taught in school from the elementary school  that is the fourth grade, and English learning keep on going till they are in university as their course. There are part of Indonesia students  are used to speak English well in their daily life, but the rest of them still lack of communication in English. It because they have several anxieties when they try to express themselves using English.

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Speaking is one of part of English subject that need express through oral activity, which every students should convey their opinions about something of knowledge with communication. But, this matter become concerned because most of Indonesian students are still have some difficulties to speaking. Which means speaking requires big effort to advance Indonesian students to be brave to speaking in English. Whereas speaking is such an important thing in order that students to be able to compete with the students from diefferent country in educational world.

Here are the discussion of the journal:
1. Intrroduction

2. Theoritical Review
a. English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia
b. Nature of Speaking Skill

3. Research Method

4. Finding
a. Description
b. Discussion
c. Suggestionn

5. Conclusion 

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