Kamis, 22 November 2018

Book Review

"The Alchemist"

source: amazon.uk

#chapter two

Welcome back to my blog, as I promised in previous time, I’m gonna continue the review from chapter one to chapter two. Are you ready for it?

The previous story, Santiago should make decision to take offering from the old woman or not? The answer is no, why? Because Santiago thought that just would waste his time if he did what the old woman told him. And from that he would never again believe in dream. In the next day, Santiago meet with the old man when he read his book. Actually the old man is king of Salem, he also asked Santiago to give him one-tenth of Santiago’s sheep and the old man will tell to find the hidden treasure. I’m a little bit confused with this part, because why the king want one-tenth of sheep from an ordinary sheperd. He can buy the sheep more than that. Santiago won’t believe to the old man if the old man is the king of Salem, but there something makes Santiago suprised that the old man writes name of Santiago parent’s names and the the merchant’s daughter on the sand. The boy never told those names to everyone about it. It’s make Santiago trust who the old men is.

There are words that I like from the old man “At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their destiny.” Once again this book hit me up and make me should believe in dream. It’s really aroused us to following what we trust for now.

After Santiago heard all of suggestions from the old man, he agreed to give one-tenth his flock to the old man. Then, the old man gives the boy two stone, the colours are white (no) and black (yes), it’s called Urim and Thummin. These stones will help the boy if he unable read the omens as long as he trip to find the treasure. After gave six of his sheep, the boy begin to find the treasure in the pyiramid of Egypts. In the trip, he meet with boy who the same age as him. Santiago tries to explain all of his story to find the treasure, because he remembers what the old man said before, every thing that comes to you is omens, so he asked to his friend how to achieve to the pyramid. They use two camels to Egypt.

Suddenly, Santiago lost his new friend when there an accident happen in Africa. He feel sorry to himself, he lost everything. Santiago cried at this time, he can’t do anything because he is too far from his family. He wept because God was unfair, and because this was the way God repaid those who believed in their dreams. Do you know, in past I always has thought like Santiago. When I can’t got what I want, I thought God was unfair, because I had done  everything when I need something, and also I always pray to God to make something that I want becomes true. Actually, the thoughts like that is not good for us, because God has better plan for us, what we tought something that we want good isn’t fullytrue. God really know everything that will be good for us as human.

source: azharkamar.com

Santiago won’t let himself sink into worse things. He continues his trip to Egypt and also tries to feed him by some foods. The boy in the city of Ceuta, he find the store that allow him to work. Then, he found crystal store, and ask the crystal merchant to let the boy work in his store and at least he can get food from the crystal merchant. Although the crystal merchant don’t need him to clean the glass. It makes Santiago asking why the crystal merchant gives him some food. It because the crystal merchant remember the Koran requires to feed hungry person. This is the reason why I love the Koran is because it gives us many guidances to do good things for our life as human. Finally, the crystal merchant allow the boy to work in his store.

“And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it” 

5 komentar:

  1. this book touched me and made me have to believe in dreams. It really arouses us to keep trying to reach dreams

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. Such an interesting book, this book make me want to aiming a higher dream.

  4. "And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it" i believe it. This book makes me think that don't be tired for pursuing a dream.


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