Selasa, 30 April 2019

The Comparison of Both Journals with the Same Topic

Every journal that we read have coincidentally similarity and also have differences. So, in this week I want to share you about both journals “Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in Eldoret Municapality, Kenya”  (first journal) and “Psychologycal Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance for the English Learners in English” (second journal). I think it’s so interesting when I can compare both journals that I have read entirely, because in journal we found the differences that make me know more about knowledge, such as the methods or the procedures that the researchers use for his or her works.

I’m going to begin with the similiarities of both journals. “Psychologycal Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance for the English Learners in English” and “Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in Eldoret Municapality, Kenya” is have similar factors that make student who learn English is not able to speak English, because the student embarrased when they speak in front of their friends and have no confident, also they afraid if they make mistake in speaking. In addition, I think this is main problem that make student not join in speaking, that is lack of vocabulary, the student often confuse when they hard to find out English vocabulary, so part of them are used to switch-code to their native language when speak English.

Also I have differences among both of journals, that is the method that used of each journal. 
First journal, “Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in Eldoret Municapality, Kenya”:
  1.  The researcher is using two data collection instruments namely: questionnaire and observation schedule. Based on questionnaire from teacher and student and calsroom observations, the activities by teacher of English language in their lesson included dramatization, impromptu speeches, story-telling, role play, dialogue, oral narratives, poems recitation, songs and tongue twister. Also the teacher use those methods based on classroom situation.
  2. The prticipants that involved in observation for first journal is secondary school students. A total of eight out of twenty three secondary schools, constituting about 30% in Municipality were selected. And select 30% from three student per school.
  3. Observed to three district, namely Eldoret East, Wareng and Uasin Gishu West, Uasin Gishu County Kenya.
Second journal, “Psychologycal Factor Affecting English Speaking Performance for the English Learners in English”:
  1. Using various traditional methods in data collection procedure like personal fied notes, audio tape recording, diaries, recording, questionnaires, documentary evidence, slide, tape, photography
  2.  The participants were 20 students in Applied Linguistic field at the Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University.

I think that’s all the similarity and differences of both journals that I have read. The more we read to different journal the more knowledge that we will get for ourself.

Jumat, 19 April 2019

Nature of Speaking Skill

Speak English GIF - SpeakEnglish GIFs

As we know that I have mentioned in previous discussion that English is as a foreign language in Indonesia, and should be taught, also English include to compulsory subject in Indonesia educational system. It because that Indonesia has so many islands and huge archipelago, which is Indoenesia needs development in every single aspect that regarded make Indonesia people become a society that follow change of the world. Moreover, English use is important in order that Indonesia student has a wide opportunity to compete with foreign student from different countries.

Speaking performace of Indonesia student affected by many vernaculars and different dialect in every district. This situation can make Indonesia student have difficulty to appropriately speaking English. And this is the reason why English role in Indonesia is as foreign language, because there are three prominent categories that is Bahasa Indonesia, regional vernaculars,and foreign language.

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The important thing when we learn foreign language is speaking. The language learner are used to apprise their succes with how how much they can improve speaking foreign language appropriately. Whereas speaking is not perfunctorily convey the words or sentences, but also speaking is about how we thought to knowledge, how we express ourself, our opinions to something that’s happening (Luona).  In addition, speaking needs interaction with the others, so that the language learner can advance their speaking not only in vocabulary but also open up their literacy.

The mastery of speaking English is an ultimate thing that should be concerned because speaking is oral activity which means every language learner needs a courage in order that they convey what they thoughts and what they feel. But the question is how make students who learn be fearless and not to shy when they try to speak? The answer will be known in next review on my blog. Make sure that you always visit and give a support comments.

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Jumat, 12 April 2019

Psychology Factor Affecting the Student Speaking of English


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In this century, English takes a place as an important language that used people around the world. More than that, English is not only a language that being used for communicate, but also English gives an opportunity to society to expand their skill in order that  they have a chance to get a better job, also people use English for many aims. Thus, English is an international language that used by all of human on the earth include non-native speaker. Beside that, most the country in the world consider English as compulsory subject of their educational system include Indonesia.

According to Kachru’s model of World Englishes, there are three Concentric Circle of the language. The first is the Inner Circle, that is countries that used English as their first language, such as United State, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand. The second is the Outer Circle, that is English institutionalized, such as India, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Singapura, Malaysia. The last is the Expanding Circle, that these countries are the rest of the world’s population, such as European, Mali, China, Egypt, Russia, Japan, Korea, and Indonesia.

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In Indonesia, English is regarded as a primary foreign language eventhough Indonesia include to the Expanding Circle of of Kachru’s model of World Englishes, but English being taught in school of in this country also English more importance rather than the other languages  that exist in the world. English to be taught in school from the elementary school  that is the fourth grade, and English learning keep on going till they are in university as their course. There are part of Indonesia students  are used to speak English well in their daily life, but the rest of them still lack of communication in English. It because they have several anxieties when they try to express themselves using English.

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Speaking is one of part of English subject that need express through oral activity, which every students should convey their opinions about something of knowledge with communication. But, this matter become concerned because most of Indonesian students are still have some difficulties to speaking. Which means speaking requires big effort to advance Indonesian students to be brave to speaking in English. Whereas speaking is such an important thing in order that students to be able to compete with the students from diefferent country in educational world.

Here are the discussion of the journal:
1. Intrroduction

2. Theoritical Review
a. English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia
b. Nature of Speaking Skill

3. Research Method

4. Finding
a. Description
b. Discussion
c. Suggestionn

5. Conclusion 

Senin, 01 April 2019

The Result of Speaking Strategies in The classroom

I have explained all aspects of this journal, so the last discussion for my review is result. According to the journal contexts, there are several advantages for speaking classroom activities and also there are lacks that will happen if teachers don’t have certain strategies in the way their teaching to the learners.

As I said before to the previous explanation that teachers have learning strategies depent to the classroom situation, actually that’s good thing because the teachers can adjust their learning based on the learners need. But for one strategy activity that is group discussion is not enough good because they always do switch-code to their mother language, which means they lack of vocabularies. In this case, the teachers should give directive for instance is let the learners to using the dictionary which can help them to found out the hard vocabularies. Beside the lack of group discussion, this strategy is the most chosen the learners as their speaking learning strategy, because they can freely speak in English to their peer without feel embarrased. Moreover, the teachers should give some motivation to the learners in order that English is not only for they learn in the classroom, but also for the learners’ future for instance the learners can communicate with the foreign, get a better job, and all positive aspects toward English langauge. Those aspects will be increasing the learners motivation to learn English.

The  teachers’ motivation will be pointless if the teachers are not giving enough learning model, such as invite the native speaker. The purpose of involved the native speaker is enable the learners to interact with the native speaker, which means the learner pronunciation will be imroving and the learners’ motivation will be increasing rather than  just the teachers’ motivation. “Provide students with numerous opportunities of intercultural exploration.  When students encounter new cultural aspects or reflect on their own culture through the perception of foreign eyes, it is possible to gain their interest” (Talley and Hui-ling, 2014).

Kamis, 14 Maret 2019

What are the speaking activities that the most of teachers used?

Following the previous topic that I’ve explained about the three districts that being observed for speaking learning for some reasons. Namely, Eldoret East, Wareng, and Uasin Gishu West, Uasin Gishu Coutry, Kenya. So now I’m gonna explaine you about the methodology used for this journal. In this journal also gives the result from the observation. I hope it will help you to choose what thebest learning activities in class to make students participate in communicative of English skill

This journal only took the sample from the Provincial and District secondary school in Kenya and the total is eight of twenty three secondary school it’s about 30% of sampled. The observation used two forms, that is questionare and observation schedule. The data was analyzed using SPSS computer package. SPSS computer package is software used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis.

The result based questionare is teachers used learning activities such as dramatization, discussion, debating, impromtu speeches, story-telling, role play, dialogue, oral narratives, poems recitation, song and tongue twister.

Teacher respons
The discussion used by 92,9% of teachers, dramatization 85,7%, songs 78,6%, impromtu speeches and tongue twister each 71,4%, short story and role player 64,3%, poem recitation and debating 57,1%, and oral drills 42,9%.
Student respons
Students give big respons for discussion 88,9%, story-telling 82,7%, poem recitation 82,9%, dramatization 69,4%, debating 67,1%, songs 56,7%, togue twister 58,3%, role play 53,6%, impromptu speeches 37,3%, and oral drills 35,3%.
Observed lessons
As we can see that the major activity was discussion. Although, observed lesson tell that teachers across the school categories used discussion activities included class discussion, group discussion, and pair discussion. Whereas, the students used to code switched to Kiswahili, Sheng in their group discussion.

Teachers tried to integrate the learning activities in class in order to make students mastered the listening, reading, speaking, and writing skill. It’s such good idea that teachers integrate the activities in a single lesson, but most teachers still lack of ficilitate or  don’t even give opportunity to improve students’ speaking skill.

Kamis, 07 Maret 2019

The good classroom activities based on the key player of the field

The previous blog I mentioned about what the contents of journal are, also I told you about its introduction. So now we stride about the theory of the journal. Every journal has background why the researcher do some research for their works. It because they need to support the theory that they have about their study. The researchers not only give their own statement in order that the readers will trust to their research, but also they collect the statements (the result of obseravtion) of researchers from different country or even around the world.

In this journal, the reasearcher used three different districts for their observation, these districts are Eldoret East, Wareng, and Uasin Gishu West, Uasin Gishu Coutry, Kenya. The districts chosen because they have problem of low communicative competence of Form four graduates like other parts of Kenya. This study based on the research of Orodho and Kombo in 2002. The researcher used method for learning speaking in class, it’s included the observation for class activities when teacher taught the students to developed their communicative in speaking English. There are various class activities for the teachers, such as dramatization, discussion, debating, impromptu, story-telling, role play, dialogue, oral naratives, peoms recitation, songs and tongue twister. The teacher use different activities depending on the situation also combined the class activities in order to make students be participated in speaking class.

There are the difference of classroom activities in all school categories:
1.      National school were able to integrate several classroom activities within a lesoon for instance dialogues, discussion, impromptu speeches and role play.
2.      Provincial school teachres used question and answer sessions, whole class discussion and group discussions.
3.      District school category, whole class discussion and story-telling were the mostly used classroom and activities.

Take a look to all of those activities, the major activity that teach by the teachers is group discussion, whereas the students will be a passive learner and they sub-consciously use their native language when discuss with the peer. It because the students are lack of vocabulary (Al-Hosin, 2014). Furthermore, teachers are don’t have fun activities for learning speaking in class. It’s the thing that teachers should remember, even they learn something quite hard the students still need variuos activities to facilitate them in learning. Oral drills help students to improve by practicing and the result is their skills in speech will be perfect (Broughtton etal, 1980, Kochhar; 1992; Ayot, 1984; Oketch, 2005).  

Are those activities will be effective for the students? Will the speaking skill of students be developing from those activities? The explanation of the journal will keep on in the next week. Make sure you will often visit to my blog. See ya!  

Rabu, 27 Februari 2019

Express your English by Speak Up

Hello everyone it’s been a while no see my works on my personal blog, right? In this semester we learn about ‘Critical Reading’, which we read to kind of educational, that is English learning. How it will be going? First step that we should do is searching to international journal of  English learning. In this step you should search the journal as your interest, such as listening, reading, writing, speaking, etc. Because I really interest in Speaking learning, so I’m looking for about the strategy of speaking English. The reason I really like to speaking subject is because I think speaking is important for us when we learn  English. It will be pointless if we got high scores in written examinations but have no brave to speak up in English. And I found out ‘Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language using Classroom Activities in Secondary School Level in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya” So, what are discussions in this journal? Here you can read below :

Keywords : speaking skills, clasroom activities, English, language, motivation, teacher, learner
1.      Introduction
2.      Method
3.      Results
3.1  Teachers’ Response
3.2  Students’ Response
3.3  Observed Lessons
4.      Discussion
4.1  Variation on use of Classroom Activities
4.2  Motivation
4.3  Teacher’s Role
4.4  Learner’s Role
5.      Conclusion
5.1  Recommendation
6.      References

1.      Introduction
In Kenya English is taught as a second language, which is English used in all government communications, compulsory subject in educational system. Although colonialist has been used English for linguistic imperialism in Kenya, but it still find different way in the use of English, such as Kenya Educational system, official language used in office, media houses, courts, diplomacy, used to do all government business and an international language (Chesang, 2005).

Moreover, learners in Kenya have trouble in using English, even they smart to answer all English questions, but they always get difficulties how to speak English properly. They have no brave to speak up in English, also they accustomed to change their English to use Sheng, Kishwahili when they do group discussion. According to Alharbi (2015) there are several factors that influence learning of speaking skill for example use of mother tongue outside and inside classroom environment, low status of English in a country, learners’ negative attitude towards English language, use of mother tongue by teachers to explain difficult concept, use of teacher-centered methodology and passiveness of learners, in classroom.

Curriculum also influence succesful of the use English. In Kenya use 8-4-4 which this gives bad impact for learners because they should learn English in short time due to large number of students in class, students low knowledge and cultural related factors. And the teachers also use traditional teaching approaches, becuase the teachers don’t  have time to make good syllabus. This is definitely have bad feedback for the learners in English learning, such as the learners feel embarassing in front of their friends because they do some mistakes in speaking English.

There are revised syllabus of teaching of English Speaking in secondary schools in Kenya that released by KIE in 2002 : (i) attentive listening for comprehension, correct inference, interpretation and appropriate response from spoken discourse from spoken discourse, (ii) fluency and confidence in speaking in a variety of contexts, (iii) effective use of non-verbal cues while speaking, (iv) capacity to read, analyze and appreciate literary works, (v) capacity to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabularies correctly, (vi) think creatively and critically and (vii) communicate appropriately in functional and creative writing. Wished to the teachers can implemented the syllabus in order that learners have improvement in English speaking skill and more communicative by secondary school students.

The researcher said that there are some ways to improve students to participate in the classroom of  English speaking,  these activities are group discussion, speeches storytelling, drama, debates, poem recitation, songs, and tongue-twisters (Johnson, 2006,Villegas and Lukas, 2002, Gathumbi and Masembe, 2005,Okech, 2005). These activities will make students feel comfortable, they think it’s okay if they make mistake because they do the activities with their friends, it also advance students confident to speaking English properly.

We just ended up to the introduction of the journal, next week i’ll share about the other discussions. If you curious about it, you can visit my blog. Don’t forget to read whole my works and give some comment, such as critics and motivational comments. Your support really help me to improve the blog.

Here’s the link of the journal :

The Comparison of Both Journals with the Same Topic

Every journal that we read have coincidentally similarity and also have differences. So, in this week I want to share you about both journ...